Field Hockey
Group stage:
3 or 4 teams per group (dependent on number of teams)
Win: 3 points, Draw: 1 point (Group Stage)
In case of equal points: Goal difference (-> direct comparison -> scored goals -> coin toss)
1st place and best 2nd places advance to the knockout stage (starting with the Semifinals)
Draw (during knockout stage): penalty shootout (5 penalties; if equal score, sudden death)
Team composition:
Each team consists of 5 players and 1 goalkeeper (at least one female and male on the field) and a maximum of 9 people can be registered per team, allowing for substitution
Only the flat side of the stick is permitted to touch the ball
The ball must not be lifted or played in the air, except for a legitimate shot on goal.
The game starts with a center pass and is restarted in this manner after each goal
When the ball goes out of bounds on the sidelines, it is restarted with a sideline hit by the team that did not touch it last. Over the back line, it is either a long corner or a goal hit, depending on who touched in last.
A goal can only be scored from within the shooting circle
Players cannot obstruct opponents from playing the ball by using their sticks or body.
Players are not allowed to use their feet to control the ball.
The goalkeeper may use any part of their body to stop the ball within the shooting circle but cannot play the ball once they are outside this area
The teams can substitute as much as they want
Accidental contact between the ball and feet results in a foul and ball for the opposing team
Tackling from behind is prohibited. Players must engage opponents shoulder-to-shoulder when competing for the ball
A free hit is awarded for a foul committed by the opposing team. The hit can be taken from where the foul occurred
The player can either strike the ball directly, pass to a teammate, or carry the ball for 3 meters before playing it
A penalty corner is awarded for a defensive foul within the shooting circle or intentional fouls in the defensive half of the field